Webinar Workshop
How do we begin to recover a more indigenous way of being in the world? How do we work towards a more expansive sense of self than our individualist training in modern Western society has taught us?
Join Leny Strobel and the Center for Babaylan Studies in a webinar to discover how to develop a better understanding of self through an exploration of the personal and communal stories that create an open and transformative identity.

Grief Retreat
In many indigenous cultures, Grief is a communal, collective undertaking. Grief is a Song and a kind of Poetry that is felt in the company of the entire community and deserves to be recognized, welcomed, and embraced. It becomes a beautiful expression that re-imagines the Heart of Humanity. It is a Sacred Cry that connects our Hearts, and we feel validated and alive.
Please join us in Ecstatic Symphony at our collective Grief Ritual of sharing, connecting and releasing where we will traverse and discover the Song of the Heart of our untold stories, heartaches, pains, fears and losses. We will entwine our Nectar of Melody, Sound, and Beauty together and renew our uncried conversations that make us breathe our Wholeness again.
4th Annual
International Babaylan Conference
Every 3 years, the Center for Babylan Studies hosts the International Babaylan Conference. This upcoming conference is set to take place in the Fall of 2019 in the Native Territory of Tkaronto (Toronto, Canada)
co-hosted by Kawa Collective.
Look out for more information in the upcoming Months including call for submissions of papers and workshop proposals.