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Indigenous Reclamation through Ancestral Work

Facilitated by Dr. Leny Strobel

About the webinar:


How do we begin to recover a more indigenous way of being in the world? How do we work towards a more expansive sense of self than our individualist training in modern Western society has taught us?


Join Leny Strobel and the Center for Babaylan Studies in a webinar to discover how to develop a better understanding of self through an exploration of the personal and communal stories that create an open and transformative identity. Examine these through your personal history, dreams, gender/sexuality, place, nature, mythic stories, ancestors and genealogical imagination, spirituality/faith/atheism/skepticism, community, and more. Learn how to reconnect to your indigenous inheritance by using ethnoautobiography as a framework and unlearn colonial and settler mentality.

While the Center for Babaylan Studies is focused on Filipino indigenous wisdom, this webinar will be beneficial to people of any and all ethnicities, cultures, belief systems, etc., that wish to deepen their sense of self. 

Facilitator Bio:

Leny Mendoza Strobel is one of the founding mothers/signatories of the Center for Babaylan Studies (as a nonprofit) together with Perla Daly, Letecia Layson, and Baylan Megino.  Ate Leny stayed on as Project Director from 2009 - 2018 and was mainly responsible, along with the all-volunteer core group, in visioning and organizing the International Babaylan Conferences, workshops, retreats, symposia, and other events that seeded and tended to a flowering of practices of decolonization and re-indigenization among Filipinos in the diaspora. Her publications - Coming Full Circle: The Process of Decolonization Among Post-1965 Filipino Americans; Babaylan: Filipinos and the Call of the Indigenous; Back from the Crocodile's Belly: Philippine Babaylan Studies and the Struggle for Indigenous Memory (with Lily S. Mendoza) -- continue to circulate along with podcasts, journal articles, essays on Ate Leny  is Professor Emeritus in American Multicultural Studies at Sonoma State University (SSU).  SSU was the institutional home of the Center for Babaylan Studies until her retirement in 2018.  Catch up with Ate Leny at:



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